Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Pickers error

Sent in error by the Wine Society this had as lower threshold as possible for enjoyment.

A grape and region about which I know nothing, Berry Bros tells us the following:

Nebbiolo d’Alba, a historical Italian wine DOC, created in 1970, is synonymous with the crunchier Nebbiolo wines of the Roero region north of the river Tanaro.

This DOC can be applied to all wines lying outside the Langhe (Barolo & Barbaresco) region, of which the sandier Roero makes up the largest part.

'Nebbiolo d’Alba DOC has to be 100% Nebbiolo  and must be aged for 12 months prior to release. Notwithstanding the DOC restrictions, during the 1990s several prominent Barolo and Barbaresco wine producers invested in Roero Nebbiolo vineyards such as Valmaggiore.

It is not uncommon for Langhe producers to supplement their Langhe Nebbiolo fruit with that bought from the Roero'

I can only be bothered to write about it because it when  I opened it last night it was actively unpleasant: highly peppery, dry to the point of sandpaper and tart. The difference 24 hours has made is staggering. I accidentally left it open in the fridge overnight. And it now resembles a good Crus Beaujolais.

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